I want to create 3 parts in a window or panel. All the 3 Parts should have possibility to resized by user and be automatically resized when user change size of Main window. Its something like 3 panels added to vertical box sizer, but user can resize all of three parts. I can add up to 2 panels to wxSplitterWindow.
Im working with C++, wxWidgets and wxFormBuilder.
Can you use wxAuiManager?
You could use this to create 'panels' (for lack of a better word) that can be resized and moved around (even undocked and floated). For you it would look something like:
wxAuiManager * pManager; // a pointer to the manager for the wxFrame
wxWindow * pPanel1;
wxWindow * pPanel2; // the 3 panels you want to add
wxWindow * pPanel3; // they can be wxPanel's or any window
// Add the panels to the window
Hopefully this works for you.