I'm looking for some assistance please, to distinguish between a single file extension in dired-mode (e.g., *.gz
) and a double file extension (e.g., *.tar.gz
The following is an excerpt of the function that I use when selecting one or more files in dired-mode to take specific actions -- e.g., open in Emacs, start a process and open externally, or compress / decompress. I originally wrote this function (borrowing excerpts from dired-do-create-files
within dired-aux.el
) with only single file type extensions in mind, and would now like to expand its functionality to include potential double file type extensions.
(defun test-for-tar-gz-extension ()
(let* (
(fn-list (dired-get-marked-files))
(rfn-list (mapcar (function dired-make-relative) fn-list))
(dired-one-file (and (consp fn-list) (null (cdr fn-list)) (car fn-list)))
(input-filename (if dired-one-file dired-one-file fn-list))
((stringp input-filename)
(file-name-extension input-filename))
((listp input-filename)
(file-name-extension (car input-filename)))))
(path (if (stringp input-filename) (file-name-directory input-filename)))
(dired-buffer-name (buffer-name))
(msword-regexp '("doc" "docx"))
(dired-tar '("tar.gz")))
;; http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/DiredTar
((extension equals ".tar.gz")
((extension equals ".gz" (but not .tar.gz))
((regexp-match-p msword-regexp ext)
(start-process "ms-word" nil "open" "-a" "Microsoft Word" input-filename))
(message "Go fish.")))))
;; https://github.com/kentaro/auto-save-buffers-enhanced
;; `regexp-match-p` function modified by @sds on stackoverflow
;; http://stackoverflow.com/a/20343715/2112489
(defun regexp-match-p (regexps string)
(and string
(catch 'matched
(let ((inhibit-changing-match-data t)) ; small optimization
(dolist (regexp regexps)
(when (string-match regexp string)
(throw 'matched t)))))))
Not sure IIUC, here a draft how to do that part in question:
(defun gz-only ()
"List marked files in dired-buffer ending at `.gz', but not ending at `.tar.gz'"
(let ((flist (dired-get-marked-files))
(dolist (ele flist)
(and (string-match "\.gz$" ele)(not (string-match "\.tar\.gz$" ele))
(add-to-list 'erg ele)))
(when (interactive-p) (message "%s" erg))))