I am using java jinput
library to read data from joypad, and I have trouble reloading Controllers
, I use this to load them:
public Controller[] findStickControllers() {
ControllerEnvironment ce =
Controller[] cs = ce.getControllers();
System.out.println(cs.length); //test
ArrayList<Controller> sel = new ArrayList<>();
for (Controller c: cs) {
if(c.getType() == Type.STICK) {
return sel.toArray(new Controller[]{});
This works fine, but if I disconnect my controller, calling this will find it again, and vice versa (connecting it after the first check will not find it at all).
I have tried to put sleep before the fist lookup, with these results:
Warning from point 3: (didn't format well in the list)
WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows 8
Attempting to use default windows plug-in.
Loading: net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin
I am using Win 8, and had same problem on Win 7. I had also tried this with mouse, same results.
How can I acctually reload controllers for the 2nd, 3rd, and so on time?
I encountered the same problem. The reason is that the actual hardware scan happens only once for each DefaultControllerEnvironment object. Since the only accessible instantiation is a singleton, it never does another scan.
A simple way to force a hardware scan is to create a new object, but neither the class nor the constructor are public. You can however work around this limitation by calling the constructor via reflection.
private static ControllerEnvironment createDefaultEnvironment() throws ReflectiveOperationException {
// Find constructor (class is package private, so we can't access it directly)
Constructor<ControllerEnvironment> constructor = (Constructor<ControllerEnvironment>)
// Constructor is package private, so we have to deactivate access control checks
// Create object with default constructor
return constructor.newInstance();
// Be aware that creating a new environment is fairly expensive
Controller[] controllers = createDefaultEnvironment().getControllers();
Remove Windows 8 Warnings
* Fix windows 8 warnings by defining a working plugin
static {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
public Object run() {
String os = System.getProperty("os.name", "").trim();
if (os.startsWith("Windows 8")) { // 8, 8.1 etc.
// disable default plugin lookup
System.setProperty("jinput.useDefaultPlugin", "false");
// set to same as windows 7 (tested for windows 8 and 8.1)
System.setProperty("net.java.games.input.plugins", "net.java.games.input.DirectAndRawInputEnvironmentPlugin");
return null;