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how can we use onbefoerunload in GWT

I am creating a function that prevent the user when he reload the page or press a back space or press back button of Browser . i try the following code..

    return "hello";

it is working with simply java script but not in jsni . i also used

Window.addWindowClosingHandler(new ClosingHandler()
    public void onWindowClosing(ClosingEvent event)
        event.setMessage("Are you sure?");

this is working with page refreh and closing, but not working with back button of browser and backspace ...pleace HELP..


  • I have already posted an answer in the same context.

    Please have a look at promt user on backspace and browser backbutton in gwt for complete code with screenshots.

    Try with any option:

    • History.addValueChangeHandler
    • WindowClosingHandler
    • Event.addNativePreviewHandler
    • $wnd.onbeforeunload