I use easystarjs https://github.com/prettymuchbryce/easystarjs and started with the example on the page.
var grid = [[0,0,1,0,0],
//startX, startY ,endX, endY, callback
easystar.findPath(0, 3, 4, 3, function( path ) {
path = path || [];
for(var i = 0, ilen = path.length; i < ilen; i++) {
//console.log(path[i].x, path[i].y);
marker.drawRect(path[i].x*32, path[i].y*32, 32, 32);
If I run the code, no way draws out because it is not complete (there is a wall with number one in the road). Is it possible to modify the code so that instead of it just says that the path is not found (or no plots), I want the code to draw the the way as far as possible (to the wall).
The code works if I change one number one to number zero (and create a passage).
The function would return a different result depending on which 1
you turn to 0
so "as far as possible" is relative to that.
Just make it so that if the path is empty you fill it this way:
currentX = startX;
currentY = startY;
path = [];
while(grid[currentY][currentX] != 1){
path.push({x: currentX, y: currentY});
dX = endX - currentX;
dY = endY - currentY;
distanceX = Math.abs(dX);
distanceY = Math.abs(dY);
directionX = dX / distanceX;
directionY = dY / distanceY;
// Make a step in the direction where the distance is bigger
if(distanceX > distanceY){
currentX += directionX;
currentY += directionY;
It'll be a sort of straight line to the destination interrupted by the wall.