I'm looking for a way to test an app or a website, which is not based on angularjs, on real browsers and real devices. I found CasperJS, but CasperJS only runs with headless browsers.
Are there test-runner/testing-framework combinations out there which support:
I would choose protractor. I know its main target is angular, but it works fine without angular as well. It has nice shortcut features. We use it to test non-angular sites and it looks stable enough. Otherwise it is based on webdriverjs, and it can work with phantomjs as well.
There is a good starter setup: https://github.com/angular/angular-seed
And this page can help to tune it for your requirements:
And the main urls:
I didn't test the phantomjs part, but google says it should be fine.
About main browsers Protractor can connect to Saucelabs as well. http://www.saucelabs.com/
And they have 301 different Device/OS/Browser Platforms at now. https://saucelabs.com/platforms