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Json + D - How to set node type for JSONValue?

Here is my code :

JSONValue generateJsonValue(Value input)
    JSONValue ret;
    switch (input.type)
        case ValueType.numberValue      :   ret.type = JSON_TYPE.UINTEGER; ret.uinteger = input.content.i; return ret;
        case ValueType.realValue        :   ret.type = JSON_TYPE.FLOAT;    ret.floating = input.content.r; return ret;
        case ValueType.stringValue      :   ret.type = JSON_TYPE.STRING;   ret.str = input.content.s; return ret;
        case ValueType.booleanValue     :   ret.type = JSON_TYPE.INTEGER;  ret.integer = to!int(input.content.b); return ret;
        case ValueType.arrayValue       :   {
            ret.type = JSON_TYPE.ARRAY;
            for (int i=0; i<input.content.a.length; i++)
                ret[i] = generateJsonValue(input.content.a[i]);
            return ret;
        case ValueType.dictionaryValue  :   {
            ret.type = JSON_TYPE.OBJECT;
            foreach (Value kv, Value vv; input.content.d)
                ret[kv.str()] = generateJsonValue(vv);
            return ret;
        default : break;

    return ret; // won't reach here

The error : The compiler complains of my trying to set the type property.

Error: function std.json.JSONValue.type () const is not callable using argument types (JSON_TYPE)

What am I doing wrong? Isn't it how it is to be used? (I've had a look at the official std.json documentation and in the forums, as well - and still cannot figure this one out)


  • If you are using DMD2.065+, you change JSONValue directly without setting the type. This change was made to provide a memory safe API. Example:

    import std.json, std.stdio;
    void main() {
        JSONValue nJ = 5;
        JSONValue sJ = "hello";
        JSONValue bJ = true;
        JSONValue aJ = [1, 2];
        JSONValue oJ1 = ["i": JSONValue(2), "s": JSONValue("str"), "arr": JSONValue([1, 2, 3])]; // different value types
        JSONValue oJ2 = ["a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3]; // same value type