Java Compatibility
I have been having some trouble with making a custom browser I am using a default class provided by oracle for a custom browser. One thing I noticed with the browser is that it cannot run java applets without some sort of variation of java browser plugins. How exactly do normal browsers receive information from a web server to run a java program externally? Is there any way to somehow point the browser toward the jre to run the app like on a normal browser. Just need somewhere to start. FireFox apparently references some sort of MIME format under the npjp2.dll native found in the jre directory. Thanks Very Much.
You can provide the user with a standard html download page in order for him to download a JNLP file which is the standard file to start a java web start app (applet). If the user's system has java installed, it must recognize the .jnlp file and assosiate it as a java app. It's an extra step, for the user to manually download the file instead of running automatically on a web browser, however because of recent security loopholes on java web implementations, most browsers don't trust java anymore, therefore the blocking. If you insist on setting up a web start app in a browser you must make sure that all users have appropriate security configurations on ther java installation (very unlikely).
Here's a very nice tutorial on how to achieve what I just explained.