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OpenCL on Xeon Phi: 2D Convolution Experience - OpenCL vs OpenMP

The performance of Xeon Phi benchmarked with 2D convolution in opnecl seems much better than an openmp implementation even with compiler-enabled vectorization. Openmp version was run in phi native mode, and timing measured only computation part: For-loop. For the opencl implementation, timing was only for kernel computation as well: no data transfer included. OpenMp-enbaled version was tested with 2,4,60,120,240 threads. - 240 threads gave the best performance for a balanced thread affinity setting. But Opencl was around 17x better even for the 240-thread openmp baseline with pragma-enbled vectorization is source code. Input image size is for 1024x1024 up to 16384x16384, and filter size of 3x3 up to 17x17. In call runs, opencl was better than openmp. Is this an expected speedup of opencl?? Seems too good to be true.


Compilation (openmp)

icc Convolve.cpp -fopenmp -mmic -O3 -vec-report1 -o conv.mic
Convolve.cpp(71): (col. 17) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED

Source (Convole.cpp):

void Convolution_Threaded(float * pInput, float * pFilter, float * pOutput,
          const int nInWidth, const int nWidth, const int nHeight,
          const int nFilterWidth, const int nNumThreads)
    #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nNumThreads)
    for (int yOut = 0; yOut < nHeight; yOut++)
        const int yInTopLeft = yOut;

        for (int xOut = 0; xOut < nWidth; xOut++)
            const int xInTopLeft = xOut;

            float sum = 0;
            for (int r = 0; r < nFilterWidth; r++)
                const int idxFtmp = r * nFilterWidth;

                const int yIn = yInTopLeft + r;
                const int idxIntmp = yIn * nInWidth + xInTopLeft;

                #pragma ivdep           //discards any data dependencies assumed by compiler                                        
                #pragma vector aligned      //all data accessed in the loop is properly aligned
                for (int c = 0; c < nFilterWidth; c++)
                    const int idxF  = idxFtmp  + c;
                    const int idxIn = idxIntmp + c;    
                    sum += pFilter[idxF]*pInput[idxIn];

            const int idxOut = yOut * nWidth + xOut;
            pOutput[idxOut] = sum;

Source 2 (

    __kernel void Convolve(const __global  float * pInput,
                        __constant float * pFilter,
                        __global  float * pOutput,
                        const int nInWidth,
                        const int nFilterWidth)
    const int nWidth = get_global_size(0);

    const int xOut = get_global_id(0);
    const int yOut = get_global_id(1);

    const int xInTopLeft = xOut;
    const int yInTopLeft = yOut;

    float sum = 0;
    for (int r = 0; r < nFilterWidth; r++)
        const int idxFtmp = r * nFilterWidth;

        const int yIn = yInTopLeft + r;
        const int idxIntmp = yIn * nInWidth + xInTopLeft;

        for (int c = 0; c < nFilterWidth; c++)
            const int idxF  = idxFtmp  + c;
            const int idxIn = idxIntmp + c;
            sum += pFilter[idxF]*pInput[idxIn];
    const int idxOut = yOut * nWidth + xOut;
    pOutput[idxOut] = sum;

Result of OpenMP (in comparison with OpenCL):

            image filter  exec Time (ms)
OpenMP  2048x2048   3x3   23.4
OpenCL  2048x2048   3x3   1.04*

*Raw kernel execution time. Data transfer time over PCI bus not included.


  • Intel's OpenCL implementation will use what they call "implicit vectorisation" in order to take advantage of vector floating point units. This involves mapping work-items onto SIMD lanes. In your example, each work-item is processing a single pixel, which means that each hardware thread will be processing 16 pixels at a time using the Xeon Phi's 512-bit vector units.

    By contrast, your OpenMP code is parallelising across pixels, and then vectorising the computation within a pixel. This is almost certainly where the performance difference is coming from.

    In order to get ICC to vectorize your OpenMP code in a manner that is similar to the implicitly vectorised OpenCL code, you should remove your #pragma ivdep and #pragma vector aligned statements from the innermost loop, and instead just place a #pragma simd in front of the horizontal pixel loop:

    #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nNumThreads)
    for (int yOut = 0; yOut < nHeight; yOut++)
        const int yInTopLeft = yOut;
        #pragma simd
        for (int xOut = 0; xOut < nWidth; xOut++)

    When I compile this with ICC, it reports that it is successfully vectorising the desired loop.