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Opencl not detecting T4 hardware accelerator in colab

I use a notebook in colab and I started to get the following error message:

LogicError: clGetPlatformIDs failed: PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR

My code uses PyRQA package, which uses opencl to perform calculations. It was running without any issue a few weeks ago, but now it keeps showing the error.

The command


returns the following:

Number of platforms                               0

It looks like the opencl is not detecting the T4 hardware acceleration, even though it's set in the runtime.


  • They somehow removed the OpenCL runtime from drivers in the last update.

    But you have sudo permissions, so you can fix the driver installation. After something like

    !sudo apt update
    !sudo apt purge *nvidia* -y
    !sudo apt install nvidia-driver-530 -y

    it works again.