Using a common flash 3d library such as Papervision3d or away3d & as3dmod or better create a Flash 3d object manipulator that:
Bullet points 1 and 2 are easy (or at least, very possible with little effort.) For 1, just make sure you are using a file type for which the 3d engine has a corresponding file parser. For example, both PV3D and away3d support 3ds files.
Bullet point 4 is easy as well. You can use adobe's as3corelib image classes to generate a JPG or PNG in flash and do with it what you want from there.
Bullet point 3 is, as @alecmce said, pretty hard. I have used both PV3D and away3d quite a bit but I have never had the need to attempt what you are talking about here. For that I am thankful because I have a hard time following some of the math used in 3d rendering engine, let alone a 3d polygon manipulation tool. Eeek.