I am new in programming and not so good about regex. I wish to load / read a csv File and then save in a txt File using the same name of csv File. I will give an example.
After I load this file, I want to get the name "xxx" and save it in a txt file:
Or maybe in another folder, for example:
save to
This can be accomplished in many ways.
Maybe what you're lacking is knowledge of the System.IO.Path
class (MSDN article here).
For instance changing the extension could be accomplished like so:
string originalFilePath = @"D:\Project\File\xxx.csv";
string newFilePath = Path.ChangeExtension(originalFilePath, ".txt");
Note: You need to explicitate the leading dot (".") for the extension.
Here's some "Path algebra" fun you could combine to create your desired effects:
string originalFilePath = @"D:\Project\File\xxx.csv";
string thePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(originalFilePath);
// will be @"D:\Project\File"
string filename = Path.GetFileName(originalFilePath);
// will be "xxx.csv"
string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(originalFilePath);
// will be "xxx"
string recombinedFilePath = Path.Combine( @"D:\OtherFolder", "somethingElse.txt" );
// will be @"D:\OtherFolder\somethingElse.txt"
Note: Path.Combine
knows how to handle extra/missing leading/trailing backslashes.
For example:
Path.Combine(@"D:\MyFolder1", @"MyFolder2\MyFile.txt")
Path.Combine(@"D:\MyFolder1\", @"MyFolder2\MyFile.txt")
Path.Combine(@"D:\MyFolder1", @"\MyFolder2\MyFile.txt")
Path.Combine(@"D:\MyFolder1\", @"\MyFolder2\MyFile.txt")
will all yield the same result: @"D:\MyFolder1\MyFolder2\MyFile.txt"