I was reading jls 8
and I got stuck on Example 8.1.2-1, Mutually Recursive Type Variable Bounds
I searched stackoverflow, and found a question what is a mutually recursive type? but this was not in terms of Java.
Example 8.1.2-1. Mutually Recursive Type Variable Bounds
interface ConvertibleTo<T> {
T convert();
class ReprChange<T extends ConvertibleTo<S>,
S extends ConvertibleTo<T>> {
T t;
void set(S s) { t = s.convert(); }
S get() { return t.convert(); }
What does Recursive Type and Mutually Recursive Type means in Java?
Here what does T extends ConvertibleTo<S>, S extends ConvertibleTo<T>
If I just use T extends ConvertibleTo<S>
as type parameter for class ReprChange I am getting compile time error?
What does Recursive Type and Mutually Recursive Type means in Java?
A recursive type is a type that uses itself in its definition. The simplest example is the linked list:
class List<T> {
T value;
List<T> next;
Here, List<T> is recursively defined because it uses a List<T> in its own definition.
A type variable bound (Foo in <T> extends Foo) is recursive if it references itself, e.g.
class Bar<T extends Comparable<T>>
would mean that class Bar expects a parameter T that can be compared to a T, so T references itself in its own definition.
Mutual recursion between two things means that they reference each other in their definition. In this case, the definition of S uses T and the definition of T uses S, so their definition is mutually recursive.
Here what does T extends ConvertibleTo<S>, S extends ConvertibleTo<T> means?
S and T are two types, S extends interface ConvertibleTo with T as the value of its type parameter, T extends interface ConvertibleTo with S as the value of its parameter. This implies that S has a method T convert() and T has a method S convert(). In other words, you can convert any S to a T and any T to an S.
If I just use T extends ConvertibleTo<S> as type parameter for class ReprChange I am getting compile time error?
Yes, because your definition mentions a type parameter named S that is never defined.