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ExtJs - Unable to save a store to localStorage

I have a store with a localstorage proxy, but I'm unable to save the data. The code is quite simple:

onToolbarTicketsadd: function(me){
    var tickets = this.getStore('Tickets');
    tickets.add({id: 1, name: 'new'})
    console.log(tickets.getById(1), tickets.count())
    tickets.sync({callback: function(){console.log('synched')}})

The ticket gets added to the store, as the first console.log proves, but the sync() command does not work. The localStorage inspector only shows an empty entry Tickets: '', and the callback function also does not get called.

What am I missing ? What is necessary for a localstorage proxy to work ?

Note: The problem is not with the browser: I'm on the latest Chrome and Firefox.

Here is the code for the store and the model:

Ext.define('', {
    extend: '',
    model: 'App.model.Ticket',
    proxy: {
        type: 'localstorage',
        id: 'Tickets'

Ext.define('App.model.Ticket', {
    extend: '',
    fields: [
        {name: 'id', type: 'int'},
        {name: 'name', type: 'string'}

A demo of the problem is here.


  • If you want to keep the id exclusively for your own field name, then manually setting the idProperty on the model to something else seems to resolve the issue - see this working demo. Take note though, that if it's required you will have to enforce your own uniqueness on the attribute.

    Ext.define('MyModel', {
        extend: '',
        idProperty: '_id',  // <-- here 
        fields: [
            {name: 'id', type: 'int'},
            {name: 'name', type: 'string'}