I have an image like shown here: My ultimate aim is to extract the vein pattern in the finger. So What I am trying to do is the extraction of the finger object alone. For that purpose, I tried an Otsu thresholding step first, then an erosion and dilation. Now using the binary image as a mask I multiplied element wise with original image to obtain the finger alone (not that accurate though).
The code is as below:
I = imread('3.5.bmp');
[level] = graythresh(I);
BW = im2bw(I,level);
[BWm] = imerode(BW,strel('disk',10)); figure, imshow(BWm)
[BWmm] = imdilate(BWm,strel('disk',15)); figure, imshow(BWmm)
B = I.*uint8(BWmm); % BWmm is the mask
Now I want to crop this finger part alone using the mask which I created before. How to achieve that?
For clarity I am uploading the image with the area to be cropped: (And finally I don't want to do this manually or using imcrop() utility with pixel coordinates as input. I would like to get those pixel coordinate using some algorithms.)
You can find the pixel coordinates from the mask BWmm
and then use the coordinates with imcrop
To find the extermal points of BWmm
projX = any( BWmm, 1 ); % projection of mask along x direction
projY = any( BWmm, 2 ); % projection of mask along y direction
fx = find( projX, 1, 'first' ); % first column with non-zero val in mask
tx = find( projX, 1, 'last' ); % last column with non-zero val in mask
fy = find( projY, 1, 'first' ); % first row with non-zero val in mask
ty = find( projY, 1, 'last' ); % last row with non-zero val in mask
cropRect = [fx, fy, tx-fx+1, ty-fy+1];
cImg = imcrop( I, cropRect );