I have a class with a method for creating a customer object via entity manager. I want to add another method which will return a set of created objects; how can I do that in my case? For instance, I have the following code:
public class DefaultCoreRepository implements CoreRepository {
private EntityManager entityManager;
@PersistenceContext(unitName = "crm-db")
public void setEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) {
this.entityManager = entityManager;
private <T> T persist(T entity) {
return entity;
public void createCustomer(Customer customer) {
public Set<Customer> getCustomers() {
//Code to be written here
You can write a query like this and convert List to Set:
public Set<Customer> getCustomers() {
return new HashSet<Customer>(createQuery("select c from Customer c", Customer.class).getResultList());