How to save diagramm in the vsd format using visio 2013 in c# visio control?
I am using the following code:
string filename = String.Format("{0}.vsd", Guid.NewGuid());
visioControl1.Document.SaveAs(temppath + filename); //Error!
This works fine under Visio 2003-2010, but in Visio 2013 it throws "File not found" exception. If I change extension to "vsdx" in the first line - it is ok again. But I have to support all the Visio versions.
There is a known bug in the Visio API: The Visio Control of Visio 2013 cannot save as VSD. It'll show all sorts of strange behaviour. To deal with that, under Visio 2013 you'll have to save as vsdx and use an invisible application instance of Visio to save as vsd:
To determine the version of Visio installed: VisioVersion = Convert.ToInt32(document.Application.Version.Replace(".", ",").Replace(",0", "")) If VisioVersion >= 15 -> Visio 2013
Please also note: to save as vsd / vsdx, you'll have to use: document.SaveEx insted of document.Save
To create an instance of an invisible Visio app, please refer to: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.InvisibleApp