Hello i am able to send a mail from my web application. But the problem here is am able to send only one line of message ie
I want to send a message saying:
Your username is : xxxx Your PassWord is: xxx
Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
message.setFrom(new InternetAddress("xxx@gmail.com"));
message.setSubject("Registration Confirmation with SK Business Group");
message.setContent("<h1>Congratulations on successfully registering with us</h1><h2>Your user name is:</h2>" +Class.uname ,
message.setContent("<h2>Your password is:</h2>" +Class.pass ,
But when the mail reaches the recipient only username is displayed...
I want both username and password to be displayed. Some one please help me resolving this..Thanks in advance.
Note : Uname and pass are static variables of a class which is got by its classname.
You are setting the content twice, add both lines in the same call to setContent
message.setContent("<h1>Congratulations on successfully registering with us</h1>"
+ "<h2>Your user name is:</h2>" +ApproveDAO.uname
+ "<h2>Your password is:</h2>" +ApproveDAO.pass, "text/html");