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Can someone explain what I need to change in this 80x86 assembly program?

Here's the code:


INCLUDE io.h                ; header file for input/output

.STACK 4096

prompt1 BYTE    "Enter n1", 0
prompt2 BYTE    "Enter n2", 0
n1 dword ?
n2 dword ?
gcdp dword ?
remp dword ?

string  BYTE    40 DUP (?)  
resultLbl BYTE  "gcd is:",0 

_MainProc   PROC
        input prompt1, string, 40   
        atod string             
        mov n1, eax

        input prompt1, string, 40   
        atod string             
        mov n2, eax

        push n2
        push n1
        call gcd
        add esp, 8

        dtoa string, eax
        output resultLbl, string

        mov eax, 0
_MainProc   ENDP

gcd PROC
        push ebp
        mov ebp, esp
        push n2
        push n1
        mov eax, n1
        mov gcdp, eax
        mov eax, n2
        mov remp, eax

   L1:  mov eax, gcdp
        idiv remp
        mov ebx, remp
        mov gcdp, ebx
        mov remp, edx
        cmp edx, 0
        jnz L1

        mov eax, gcdp

        pop ebx
        pop edx
        pop ebp
gcd ENDP


And here's the problem (as stated by my teacher): "reading the parameters from stack is missing. please make sure you are reading your n2 and n1 with byte ptr [ebp+8] and byte ptr [ebp+12], also you don't have to push n1, n2 and pop n1n2 in procedure. The rest looks fine."

So...what's up? What needs to change and what's redundant?


  • What needs to change and what's redundant?

    These globals are not needed:

    n1 dword ?
    n2 dword ?
    gcdp dword ?
    remp dword ?

    Use registers instead. Lets also move string out of the .data section (initialized data) and into the .data? section (uninitialized data):

    prompt1     BYTE "Enter n1", 0
    prompt2     BYTE "Enter n2", 0
    resultLbl   BYTE "gcd is:",0 
    string      BYTE 40 DUP (?) 
    _MainProc   PROC
        input   prompt1, string, 40     
        atodw   string             
        mov     esi, eax
        input   prompt1, string, 40     
        atod    string             
        mov     edi, eax
        push    edi
        push    esi
        call    gcd
        add     esp, 8
        dtoa    string, eax
        output  resultLbl, string
        mov     eax, 0
    _MainProc   ENDP
    gcd PROC
        push    esi
        push    edi
        push    ebx
        mov     esi, [esp + 16] ;n1
        mov     edi, [esp + 20] ;n2
        mov     eax, esi
        idiv    edi
        mov     ebx, edi
        mov     esi, ebx
        mov     edi, edx
        cmp     edx, 0
        jnz     L1
        mov     eax, esi
        pop     ebx
        pop     edi
        pop     esi
    gcd ENDP
    END _MainProc

    We "technically" don't have to save esi, edi, or ebx in the gcd proc since nothing external is going to interface with our code, but lets learn the correct way to start. If we don't save those registers, then the params will be at [esp + 4], and [esp + 8]. We can also get a bit advanced and get rid of the string global var and just use the stack to hold the string.