I'm currently working on a Modbus TCP JAVA project using the jamod library. So far, I'm able to read & write to the Modbus network (gateway & some sensors from 4-noks) without any issues. My next step is to receive the data of the sensors automatically.
The devices I'm using are sending their registers to the Modbus-Gateway at regular intervals (about 20-60seconds). Unfortunately, I'm having some problems in receiving these data.
The Gateway has a register in which it's counting the received messages and it does receive data of the sensors, but how can I display these data onto my PC using java (jamod, or maybe another library)?
I have been searching and trying for the last week and I'm out of ideas. Would be very nice to get some information on how this goal can be achieved!
It depends how you want to display the data and what your intentions are.
On the full-solution end of the spectrum this is what an HMI/SCADA system does for you (www.inductiveautomation.com, for example).
On the roll-it-yourself end of the spectrum it sounds like you just need to continually poll the gateway for the registers you're interested in and maybe display it on a webpage.
Where do you land on this spectrum?