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Receiving data at regular intervals (MODBUS TCP JAVA)

I'm currently working on a Modbus TCP JAVA project using the jamod library. So far, I'm able to read & write to the Modbus network (gateway & some sensors from 4-noks) without any issues. My next step is to receive the data of the sensors automatically.

The devices I'm using are sending their registers to the Modbus-Gateway at regular intervals (about 20-60seconds). Unfortunately, I'm having some problems in receiving these data.

The Gateway has a register in which it's counting the received messages and it does receive data of the sensors, but how can I display these data onto my PC using java (jamod, or maybe another library)?

I have been searching and trying for the last week and I'm out of ideas. Would be very nice to get some information on how this goal can be achieved!


  • It depends how you want to display the data and what your intentions are.

    On the full-solution end of the spectrum this is what an HMI/SCADA system does for you (, for example).

    On the roll-it-yourself end of the spectrum it sounds like you just need to continually poll the gateway for the registers you're interested in and maybe display it on a webpage.

    Where do you land on this spectrum?