I have a simple HTML5 page, with a single canvas, upon which a scientific visualization is drawn.
I would like to take X frames of that canvas (probably by using toDataURL()
at key points), and turn that into an animated GIF that I can download.
Alternatively a nice way to save images from the DOM to disc without prompting, or to zip 100-200 images for saving with prompting that can be GIFed elsewhere.
Is there any ready solution to this problem? And I don't mean recording an AVI of part of the DOM, saving it, extracting frames, and rebaking it into a GIF.
There is no native functionality to save out animated GIFs but, there is this library written in JavaScript which can do it for you:
Saving images to local disk without prompting is not possible. You will have either:
If you want to just use the browser as a useful host for local tasks you can always disable these restrictions. Here for Chrome:
To disable all security measures start Chrome from command line with this flag:
chrome.exe --disable-web-security
If you only want to use local files (file:// is in any case necessary):
chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files
I am not 100% sure of if these allow you to save to local disk but they are as close as you get without modifying the code base of the browser yourself.
Hope this helps!