I'm sending AT+CUSD command to a modem and when i receive this message i can't understand it nor decoding it in any way please i need help. this is a sample
+CUSD: 0,"Service not allowed.",15
+CUSD: 0,"0645063306280642002006270644062F06410639003A00200037002C003600320035002E0030003000200020000A06270644063506440627062D064A0629003A0030002E0030003000200020000A00200627064406440627062D0642002006270644062F06410639003A0030002E003000300020",72
you see first is readible and dcs is 15 but the other one isn't and tha dcs is 72 help !!
What do you get when you decode it using Unicode? I can see a lot of 06's, and according to Wikipedia, standard Arabic is encoded from 0600 - 06FF. S List
The answer thanks to S List
is that I need to decode every four letters like "0645" using "UCS2" encoding.
and my code is like this :
String origin = "0645063306280642002006270644062F06410639003A00200037002C003600320035002E0030003000200020000A06270644063506440627062D064A0629003A0030002E0030003000200020000A00200627064406440627062D0642002006270644062F06410639003A0030002E003000300020";
if (origin.Count() % 2 == 0)
List<short> list = new List<short>();
List<byte> bytes = new List<byte>();
var encode = Encoding.GetEncoding("UCS-2");
for (int i = 0; i < origin.Count(); i += 4)
list.Add(Convert.ToInt16(origin.Substring(i, 4), 16));
foreach (var item in list)
bytes.Add((byte)(item & 255));
bytes.Add((byte)(item >> 8));
return encode.GetString(bytes.ToArray());