How would the following T-SQL query be written in LINQ using the WHERE IN clause and a subquery:
SELECT a.IncidentID,
FROM buIncidentDetail a
WHERE a.IncidentID IN (SELECT IncidentID
FROM buPerson
WHERE IsDeleted = 0
AND (NameFirst LIKE '%%'
OR NameLast LIKE '%%')
OR a.IncidentID IN (SELECT IncidentID
FROM buInjury
WHERE IsDeleted = 0
AND (TimeLossEstimateTerms LIKE '%%'
OR ResultOtherDesc LIKE '%%')
Before marking this as a possible duplicate, all the other examples I found were using an array, i.e. – (“1”, “2”, “3”). I’m looking for one that specifically demonstrates the use of a subquery.
You turn the queries inside out and start with the inner queries first, and then applying the result of those to the outer query.
int? incidentID;
var person = buPerson.Where(
p => p.IsDeleted == 0
&& (!string.NullOrWhitespace(p.NameFirst)
|| !string.NullOrWhitespace(p.NameLast)).FirstOrDefault();
if ( person != null )
incidentID = person.IncidentID;
else {
var incident = buInjury.Where(
i => i.IsDeleted == 0
&& (!string.NullOrWhitespace(i.TimeLossEstimateTerms)
|| !string.NullOrWhitespace(i.ResultOtherDesc)).FirstOrDefault();
if ( incident != null )
incidentID = incident.IncidentID;
if ( incidentID.HasValue() )
var detail = buIncident
.Select(j => new { k => new {
ID = k.IncidentID,
When = g.OccurWhen,
Where = g.OccurWhere,
Description = g.Description };
if ( detail != null )
Console.WriteLine( "{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}",
Console.WriteLine("No incident found");