I'm working with windows power management APIs (PowrProf.dll
P/Invokes) in C# to get and set power management settings of the system, but I'm not sure if the power management settings are user-specific or machine-specific :(
The flow for Windows XP is to get active power scheme (using GetActivePwrScheme()
), read global power settings (using ReadGlobalPwrPolicy()
), read scheme-specific settings (using ReadPwrScheme()
) and if necessary, write the modified data back to system (using SetActivePwrScheme()
The flow for windows vista and 7 is to get active power scheme (using PowerGetActiveScheme()
), read individual power settings (using PowerReadACValueIndex()
and PowerReadDCValueIndex()
) and if necessary, write the modified data back to system (using PowerWriteACValueIndex()
or PowerWriteDCValueIndex()
The thing is I prefer to run these codes in a windows service and am afraid that if I run these I'll be getting and setting power management settings for the SYSTEM account. I'm a little bit confused, please help.
Thanks in advance.
After hours of searching the Internet, finally I had to settle for the MSDN documentation. According to MSDN for XP we have :
Global User Power Policy : Contains global user power policy settings that apply to all power schemes for a user.
Global Machine Power Policy : Contains global computer power policy settings that apply to all power schemes for all users.
User Power Policy : Contains power policy settings that are unique to each power scheme for a user.
Machine Power Policy : Contains computer power policy settings that are unique to each power scheme on the computer.
And for Vista+, there are no global/local or user/machine settings; instead, everything is scheme specific and the settings apply to all users. (See this)
But when I tested aforementioned facts on two different machines (one running on Win XP and the other running on Win 7), I got unexpected results! On XP, running my code from a windows service (running as SYSTEM account) and a windows app (running as an administrator account) indicated no user-specific behavior. On Win7, the same experiment, created the same results!