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Cakephp: Escape paginator prev link

I'm using the prev link for the Paginator component like so:

<?php echo $this->Paginator->prev('&lsaquo;', array('escape'=> false), null, array('escape' => false)); ?>

This produces an escaped version of of when the link is active but does not escape the HTML when the link is disabled.

I'm using CakePHP 2.4

Additional details:

  1. My model, controller and view is in the Plugin folder
  2. My model is not using a database i.e. var $useTable = false;. I get my data via a web service.
  3. I've overridden the paginate function in my model so that I can call the paginated web service.


  • Are you using BoostCake?

    I was having the exact same problem. Active links were being escaped, but disabled ones were not.

    I disabled the "BoostCake.BoostCakePaginator" plugin, and all is working fine, so I would assume a bug in that plugin. (I have no time to investigate at the moment, but if/when I do, I will report back.)