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java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset error

I'm facing the problem with this exception java.sql.SQLException: Exhausted Resultset in following code. I'm sure my query returns only one value. Even If I don't use; it throws the error java.sql.SQLException: was not called. Could you please help?

FYI, I'm using the another result set in main where this menthod from another class is called. will it affect?


public static String getdispname(Connection conn, String resname) 
throws SQLException, Exception {

            //String resname = "";
            String returnValue = "";
            String querystring = "";

            //Query to select the displayname from resid

            querystring += "select distinct display_name";
            querystring += " from cust_rally_team_member";
            querystring += " where display_name like '%"+ resid +"%'";

            // Create select statement
            Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

            try {
                // Execute statement
                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(querystring);
                if (rs!= null) { 
            while ( {
            returnValue = rs.getString("display_name");
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
                throw new SQLException(ex);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new Exception(ex);
            // Close statement
            finally {

            return returnValue;


  • Try as

    if (rs! = null) { 
     while ( {
      returnValue = rs.getString("display_name");