I'm building a mobile application using JavaScript. Into it i need to obtain data from phones' accelerometer, so I attach an event listener to it:
if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent) {
window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", function (event) {
if (typeof(event.alpha) != 'undefined') {
//here goes function for an event
}, false);
But the problem is that it obtains data every millisecond, thus when i call the function to draw and redraw something according to this data, it keeps doing it each millisecond -> application crashes.
Is there any way to delay, or to receive this data in a smaller portions? Is there a function to listen to an event, for example, each half a second?
It's called "function debouncing". Basically, you execute your stuff only once in a certain amount of time. A simple implementation would be:
var lastExecution;
addEventListener("deviceorientation", function (event) {
var now = Date.now();
if (now - lastExecution < 17) return; // ~60Hz
lastExecution = now;
}, false);
(Yes, lastExecution
is undefined at first. It's fine.)