I'd like to perform something like the following:
I'd like to return a list of users sorted first by who the user is "following", second by some additional point score. The following code below which I wrote however doesn't work because the funder is the lifted Slick type and therefore is never found in the List.
//The following represents the query for only funders who we are following
val following_funders: List[User] = (
for {
funder <- all_funders
f <- follows if f.followerId === id //get all the current users follower objects
if f.followeeId === funder.id
} yield funder
val all_funders_sorted = for {
funder <- all_funders
following_funder = following_funders contains funder
} yield (funder, following_funder)
//sort the funders by whether or not they are following the funder and then map it to only the funders (i.e. remove the boolean)
all_funders_sorted.sortBy(_._2.desc).sortBy(_._1.score.desc).map( x => x._1 )
All help appreciated!
You need to work with ids (i.e. primary keys) in Slick. That's how objects are uniquely identified on the db side. You do not need to execute the first query. You can use it as a component of your second without executing it first using the in
//The following represents the query for only funders who we are following
val following_funders_ids = (
for {
funder <- all_funders
f <- follows if f.followerId === id //get all the current users follower objects
if f.followeeId === funder.id
} yield funder.id
val all_funders_sorted = for {
funder <- all_funders
following_funder = funder.id in following_funders_ids
} yield (funder, following_funder)
//sort the funders by whether or not they are following the funder and then map it to only the funders (i.e. remove the boolean)
all_funders_sorted.sortBy(_._1.impactPoints.desc).sortBy(_._2.desc).map( x => x._1 )
Be aware that your sort order was wrong, if you first want to sort by following. Slick translates .sortBy(_.a).sortBy(_.b)
because that's how Scala collections work:
scala> List( (1,"b"), (2,"a") ).sortBy(_._1).sortBy(_._2)
res0: List[(Int, String)] = List((2,a), (1,b))