I'm creating an editor using 'SourceViewer'. Given below is the code snippet from my '@PostConstruct' method.
// viewer is my SourceViewer instance
viewer = new SourceViewer(parent,verticalRuler, styles);
IUndoManager undoManager = new TextViewerUndoManager(25);
Even though a default 'TextViewerUndoManager' associated with 'SourceViewer'. Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y is not working.
Another alternative that I tried is to override the 'IUndoManager getUndoManager(ISourceViewer sourceViewer)' of 'SourceViewerConfiguration' subclass and return a 'TextViewerUndoManager'. This approach also doesn't give the desired result.
Kindly let me know what I'm missing in the above approaches.
It is normally the SourceViewerConfiguration
that provides the Undo manager, the SourceViewer
expects this and will set up the manager from that. The defaults already set up TextViewerUndoManager
In an e4 application you do not get any default key bindings, commands or handlers so you will have to set up all these to make use of the undo manager.
In your application model declare Commands for undo and redo.
Declare key bindings for Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y specifying your commands. You might want to put the key bindings in a Binding Table that is specific to text editors.
Declare Handlers for the undo and redo commands, the code for undo might look like:
public class UndoHandler
private Adapter _adapter;
public void execute(@Named(IServiceConstants.ACTIVE_PART) final MPart part)
final ITextOperationTarget opTarget = _adapter.adapt(part.getObject(), ITextOperationTarget.class);
public boolean canExecute(@Named(IServiceConstants.ACTIVE_PART) final MPart part)
final ITextOperationTarget opTarget = _adapter.adapt(part.getObject(), ITextOperationTarget.class);
if (opTarget == null)
return false;
return opTarget.canDoOperation(ITextOperationTarget.UNDO);
Redo would be similar but using ITextOperationTarget.REDO