When defining an object literal its possible to use a self-invoking function so the function has access to private variables,
var private;
return function(v){
return (private = v ?? private)
But is it possible to do the same thing with a getter/setter in an object literal?
get value(){
return value;
set value(v) {
[edit 2022] A pretty old answer.
The IIFE from the initial answer is actually a factory function. It creates an object with (get and set) access (through the closure) to a private variable. It's reusable.
const obj1 = objFactory(`Hello`);
const obj2 = objFactory(`World`);
console.log(`${obj1.privateThing} ${obj2.privateThing}`);
obj1.privateThing = `Goodbye`;
console.log(`${obj1.privateThing} ${obj2.privateThing}`);
function objFactory(somethingPrivate) {
return {
get privateThing() { return somethingPrivate; },
set privateThing(value) { somethingPrivate = value; }
The old answer:
Not really. You can also create an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) for obj
obj = function(){
var privatething = 'hithere';
return {
get value() {
return privatething;
set value(v) {
privatething = v;
obj.value; //=> 'hithere';
obj.value = 'good morning to you too';
obj.value; //=> 'good morning to you too'