My question is threefold
What cool web-based examples have you seen that generate music dynamically by the user? Either based on samples with an interesting interface, by sound synthesis or similar methods. Example:
Has any serious web-based dynamical sound synthesis been done yet (e.g. generating sine waves dynamically and similar), or are there still inherent technological boundaries to do so?
What are your general thoughts about generating music dynamically on the web? Is any form of more involved generation still too CPU-intense? Be it using Flash, JavaScript or audio-tag. (Sadly all my efforts have been far too CPU-intense, and not a very satisfying experience for the user.)
If you've never seen Andre Michelle's Tone Matrix, prepare to be absorbed:
Also, Sonoflash is apparently providing 100% generated sounds - all of their samples are basically AS3 code, manipulating sound data and then creating the sound. If I understand correctly. Check them out here: