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Kaltura Android Reference app API. Autoplay ('doPlay') video on entryReady

The case is rater simple. Am using kalturas Android referance app and i want my videos to auto play.

For this there is several API hooks: Kaltura KDP API Compatibility

What i come up to is that i want to use event jsCallbackReady and event listener entryReady to send notification doPlay and that i want to put this code in

The issue is that i can't get it to work, I can't grep how to work with this API within the reference application.Have tested uncountable setups and have searched every corner on internet to find any hands on information / examples that would get me going in the right direction but found nothing.

Really need someone to give a hands on example how to accomplish this.


  • The working solution to this was this code.

     final PlayerViewController  mPlayerView = (PlayerViewController) findViewById( );
     // Autoplay video
                      mPlayerView.registerJsCallbackReady(new KPlayerJsCallbackReadyListener() {
                          public void jsCallbackReady() {

    Added here (Github)