I'm trying to set up this API so that I can update player scoreboards and things when they buy items.
The plugin I'm using is called SignShop and can be found here:
That's not my issue though, the issue is that none of the events are firing from the looks of it.
Here is my class where I was trying some debugging.
package me.galaxywarrior6.minecraftgta.events;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.wargamer2010.signshop.events.SSMoneyTransactionEvent;
import org.wargamer2010.signshop.events.SSPostTransactionEvent;
import org.wargamer2010.signshop.events.SSPreTransactionEvent;
import org.wargamer2010.signshop.events.SSTouchShopEvent;
public class SignBuyEvent implements Listener{
public void onSignBuy(SSMoneyTransactionEvent event){
public void onSignBuy(SSPreTransactionEvent event){
public void onSignBuy(SSPostTransactionEvent event){
public void onSignBuy(SSTouchShopEvent event){
Can someone please help me in implementing this API, I haven't done anything besides set up the events because that's all it really tells you to do.
That's because you need @EventHandler
right above all of your events:
@EventHandler //this must be before ALL events
public void onSignBuy(SSMoneyTransactionEvent event){
also, you may not be registering events. In your main file (the one that extends JavaPlugin
), make sure you have this in your onEnable()
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new SignBuyEvent(), this);
So, your SignBuyEvent
class should look like this:
public class SignBuyEvent implements Listener{
public void onSignBuy(SSMoneyTransactionEvent event){
public void onSignBuy(SSPreTransactionEvent event){
public void onSignBuy(SSPostTransactionEvent event){
public void onSignBuy(SSTouchShopEvent event){
and your onEnable()
method in your Main
class should look like this:
public void onEnable(){
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new SignBuyEvent(), this);
//other things that you have in your onEnable here