Lets say I have a cirkel as my usercontrol in a Windows Phone 8 application, And I add elements inside a Geometry group, with a rectangel and a line. I would get the following:
(source: c-sharpcorner.com)
I am interested in having my cirkel as the main element. To specify I want the everything else to only be displayed in the region of the cirkel. So if the rectangle was red I would only get the red corner displayed.
I have code that can manage inserting and moving objects. But I do not know how to make the intersect work opporsit of the picture.
I have tried a bit of the same in a small sample as is done in this link: the link is http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/mahesh/path-in-wpf/
Anybody has an idea for this?
Best So the Best solution I found is to convert your element to WriteableBitmap, and then setting this as the background of your wished shape.
So to acheive the above if you have the elements as geometric shapes you can use this link to get the path of the object.