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How do I double buffer a Java animation with many threads painting simultaneously?

I was working on a simple "Bouncing Ball"-Animation in Java. The idea is that it initally spawns a single ball moving in a straight line until hitting the panel border, which causes it to bounce off as you would expect. You can then spawn additional balls at position x,y with mouseclicks. So far so good.

My problem is that each ball starts its own thread, and each thread individually draws into the panel at their own intervals, causing the panel to flicker like crazy. I know that such problems can be solved by implementing double buffering, which I've read about, but never quite used myself.

I was wondering about how one would go about using double buffering here and if having many threads painting at the same time can be an issue (or conversely, even the norm)?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Here's the code:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*; 
import javax.swing.*;

class MyCanvas extends JPanel 

    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) 

    public Dimension getMinimumSize()
        return new Dimension(300,300);

    public Dimension getPreferredSize()
        return getMinimumSize();

public class BouncingBalls extends JFrame     // main class
    MyCanvas m_gamefield;

    public BouncingBalls() 
        setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        m_gamefield = new MyCanvas();

        m_gamefield.addMouseListener(new MeinMausAdapter());


    public void letsgo()
        Ball first = new Ball(m_gamefield,200,50);

    class MeinMausAdapter extends MouseAdapter 
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) 
            Ball next = new Ball(m_gamefield,e.getX(),e.getY()); 

    public static void main(String[] args)
        BouncingBalls test = new BouncingBalls();

class Ball extends Thread 
    JPanel m_display;
    int m_xPos,m_yPos;
    int m_dx = 2;         // Steps into direction x or y
    int m_dy = 2; 

    Ball(JPanel c,int x,int y) 
        m_display = c;
        m_xPos = x;
        m_yPos = y;

    public void run() 
        paintBall();         // Paint at starting position

        while(isInterrupted() == false) 


            catch(InterruptedException e) 

    void paintBall() 
        Graphics g = m_display.getGraphics();
        g.fillOval(m_xPos, m_yPos, 20, 20);

    void moveBall() 
        int xNew, yNew;
        Dimension m;
        Graphics g;

        g = m_display.getGraphics();
        m = m_display.getSize();
        xNew = m_xPos + m_dx;
        yNew = m_yPos + m_dy;

        // Collision detection with borders, "bouncing off":

        if(xNew < 0)
            xNew = 0;
            m_dx = -m_dx;

        if(xNew + 20 >= m.width) 
            xNew = m.width - 20;
            m_dx = -m_dx;

        if(yNew < 0) 
            yNew = 0;
            m_dy = -m_dy;

        if(yNew + 20 >= m.height)
            yNew = m.height - 20;
            m_dy = -m_dy; 

        g.setColor(m_display.getBackground());                   // Erases last position by 
        g.fillRect(m_xPos-2, m_yPos-2, m_xPos+22, m_yPos+22);    // painting over it in white

        m_xPos = xNew;
        m_yPos = yNew;
        paintBall();           // paint new position of Ball


  • Don't worry about double buffering when painting with Swing JComponents. They're double buffered by default.

    You should, instead of creating each Ball on a different Thread, implement a Swing Timer for the animation. See more at How to Use Swing timers. You can see a good example here where Ball objects are added to a List of Balls and presents at different intervals.

    Other Notes

    • Never use getGraphics of your components. All painting should be done within the Graphics context passed to the paintComponent method. I see you have the method in place. Use it. You can have a draw method in your Ball class that take a Graphics argument, and call that method from within the paintComponent method, passing to it the Graphics context. Example can also be seen in the link above.

    You can see more examples here and here and here and here and here and here.