I don't manage to have a repeated field with selected value according to the data I have in my model.
Currently I have in my User model :
public String username;
public List<Stay> places;
And my Stay model :
public Place place;
public Date startDate;
public Date endDate;
My Scala view form :
@(formUser: Form[User])
@repeat(formUser("places"), min = 1) { stayField =>
<div id="groupLocationField">
// Don't manage to reach User->Places->Place
@select(formUser("stayField.places"), options(Place.optionsTitle))
stayField is a Form.Field type which contains
Field(null,places[1],ArrayBuffer(),None,ArrayBuffer(),Some(Paris Mon Oct 29 00:00:00 CET 2018 Wed Jun 11 00:00:00 CEST 2014 null))
But seems to have convert my Place and Dates into a string. @stayField contains the value of my Stay model toString method.
@stayField.value = Paris Mon Oct 29 00:00:00 CET 2018 Wed Jun 11 00:00:00 CEST 2014
@stayField.value.productArity = 1
Found the solution :
@repeat(formUser("places"), min = 1) { stayField =>
<div id="groupLocationField">
@select(formUser(stayField.name.toString + ".place"), options(Place.optionsTitle))
@inputDate(formUser(stayField.name.toString + ".startDate"))
@inputDate(formUser(stayField.name.toString + ".endDate"))
stayField.name will show places[1], places[2], etc...
Note that I had to use Place.optionsTitle instead of my classical Place.options that I use in my other @select field.
public static Map<String,String> optionsTitle() {
LinkedHashMap<String,String> options = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
for(Place c: Place.find.orderBy("title desc").findList()) {
options.put(c.title, c.title);
return options;
public static Map<String,String> options() {
LinkedHashMap<String,String> options = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
for(Place c: Place.find.orderBy("title desc").findList()) {
options.put(c.id.toString(), c.title);
return options;
EDIT: In fact I don't have to use specific method optionsTitle(), I forgot to specify the place ID in my select :
@select(formUser(stayField.name.toString + ".place"), options(Place.optionsTitle))
Should become :
@select(formUser(stayField.name.toString + ".place.id"), options(Place.options))