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compile code online for coding competitions

I want to conduct online coding competitions. For that I am developing a website. I have a webpage to take the code from user. Once the user has finished his coding, on submitting I want to send that code to some compiler to check the code. And I can check with the test cases if its compiled without errors. Is there any online compilers available for that. I mean, Is there any site to send my_code, test_cases, programming_languages to that and get back the results? Or should I use system commands to do this process?


  • Compiling requires a fair amount of computation. You will have to consider how well your system will scale to user demand. Most online services would eventually charge a fee to cover their infrastructure costs (+ profit).


    Depending on the scale, you may want to use system commands. I would suggest doing so until your project reach a certain maturity. You could also have a setup like Jenkins, were compilation work is dispatched to build nodes which can be added for increased demand.

    Existing software like PC2 ask the hosts of the competition to provide the compilation server. However, the setup is local.