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Order by count using Spring Data JpaRepository

I am using Spring Data JpaRepository and I find it extremely easy to use. I actually need all those features - paging, sorting, filtering. Unfortunately there is one little nasty thing that seems to force me to fall back to use of plain JPA.

I need to order by a size of associated collection. For instance I have:

public class A{
    private long id;
    private List<B> bes;

and I have to sort by bes.size()

Is there a way to somehow customize the ordering still taking the advantage of pagination, filtering and other Spring Data great features?


  • I've solved the puzzle using hints and inspirations from:

    1. Limiting resultset using @Query anotations by Koitoer
    2. How to order by count() in JPA by MicSim
    3. Exhaustive experiments on my own

    The first and most important thing I've not been aware of about is that even using @Query custom methods one can still create paging queries by simply passing the Pageable object as parameter. This is something that could have been explicitely stated by spring-data documentation as it is definitely not obvious though very powerful feature.

    Great, now the second problem - how do I actually sort the results by size of associated collection in JPA? I've managed to come to a following JPQL:

    select new package.AwithBCount(count( as bCount,c) from A a join a.bes b group by a

    where AwithBCount is a class that the query results are actually mapped to:

    public class AwithBCount{
        private Long bCount;
        private A a;
        public AwithBCount(Long bCount, A a){
            this.bCount = bCount;
            this.a = a;

    Excited that I can now simply define my repository like the one below

    public interface ARepository extends JpaRepository<A, Long> {
            value = "select new package.AwithBCount(count( as bCount,c) from A a join a.bes b group by a",
            countQuery = "select count(a) from A a"
        Page<AwithBCount> findAllWithBCount(Pageable pageable);

    I hurried to try my solution out. Perfect - the page is returned but when I tried to sort by bCount I got disappointed. It turned out that since this is a ARepository (not AwithBCount repository) spring-data will try to look for a bCount property in A instead of AwithBCount. So finally I ended up with three custom methods:

    public interface ARepository extends JpaRepository<A, Long> {
            value = "select new package.AwithBCount(count( as bCount,c) from A a join a.bes b group by a",
            countQuery = "select count(a) from A a"
        Page<AwithBCount> findAllWithBCount(Pageable pageable);
            value = "select new package.AwithBCount(count( as bCount,c) from A a join a.bes b group by a order by bCount asc",
            countQuery = "select count(a) from A a"
        Page<AwithBCount> findAllWithBCountOrderByCountAsc(Pageable pageable);
            value = "select new package.AwithBCount(count( as bCount,c) from A a join a.bes b group by a order by bCount desc",
            countQuery = "select count(a) from A a"
        Page<AwithBCount> findAllWithBCountOrderByCountDesc(Pageable pageable);

    ...and some additional conditional logic on service level (which could be probably encapsulated with an abstract repository implementation). So, although not extremely elegant, that made the trick - this way (having more complex entities) I can sort by other properties, do the filtering and pagination.