To escape or to verbatim, that is my question.
I need to programmatically send a couple of commands to a (Zebra QLn220) printer in C#, specifically:
! U1 setvar "power.dtr_power_off" "off"
! U1 setvar "media.sense_mode" "gap"
Due to the plethora of quotes in these commands, I thought it would be sensible to use verbatim strings. But based on this, I still need to double the quotes, so that it would presumably/theoretically need to be like:
string dontShutErOff = @"! U1 setvar """power.dtr_power_off""" """off"""";
...which looks like a mashup composed of Don King, the cat from Coding Horror, and Groucho Marx.
Would it be better to escape the quotes this way:
string dontShutErOff = "! U1 setvar \"power.dtr_power_off\" \"off\"";
Should I Escape from Verbatimtraz?
Based on Eric Lippert's first suggestion, how about this:
const string quote = "\"";
string whatever = string.Format("! U1 setvar {0}power.dtr_power_off{0} {0}off{0}", quote);
I would consider a third alternative:
const string quote = "\"";
string whatever = "! U1 setvar " +
quote + "power.dtr_power_off" + quote + " " +
quote + "off" + quote;
Or a fourth:
static string Quote(string x)
const string quote = "\"";
return quote + x + quote;
string whatever = "! U1 setvar " + Quote("power.dtr_power_off") + " " + Quote("off");
All these have pros and cons; none is clearly the best.