I'm trying to let anonymous (not signed in users) be able to modify a realtime document. It appears that as of a year ago this wasn't possible. I'm hoping that there has been some progress since then.
I have created a real-time document using my app and have set the sharing settings so that anyone with the link can edit the file.
When I try to load the document, it tries to make a request to:
GET https://drive.google.com/otservice/gs?access_token=null&id=FILEID 401 (Unauthorized) api:160 Drive Realtime API Error: token_refresh_required: The OAuth token must be refreshed.
Obviously with a null access token and not having a way to specify a browser key this won't work. Is there a way to make this happen?
I'm hoping that in the last year there has been some new status on this that I couldn't find in the docs.
No, you cannot access realtime documents anonymously. All users must be signed in to a Google account.