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Nested JTabbedPanes visual glitch

When nesting JTabbedPanes, there's a noticeable color change between the parent and the child.

Here's a screenshot to illustrate the issue:

Alt text goes here.

How would you get about making the transition smoother?

Are there any alternatives in terms of using other layouts or components?


  • That's because the JTabbedPane is not transparent. Try to call setOpaque(false) on the tabbed pane, e.g.:

    JTabbedPane outer = new JTabbedPane();
    // ...
    // creating inner pane "Modificar"
    JTabbedPane modificar = new JTabbedPane();
    outer.addTab("Modificar", modificar);

    It might not work on all looks & feels, though. For example, GTK L&F ignores calls to setOpaque() on a JToolbar.

    Another alternative is to use a transparent JPanel with FlowLayout and JToggleButtons grouped in a single ButtonGroup instead of a JTabbedPane, e.g.

    private void initComponents() {
        JTabbedPane outer = new JTabbedPane();
        // ...
        JPanel innerPane = new JPanel();
        innerPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
        ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
        addButton(innerPane, group, new JToggleButton("alta"));    
        addButton(innerPane, group, new JToggleButton("Modificar")).setSelected(true);
        addButton(innerPane, group, new JToggleButton("compraTarifa"));
        outer.addTab("Socios", innerPane);
        // ...
    private static <T extends AbstractButton> T addButton(Component parent, ButtonGroup group, T btn) {
        return btn;