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How to turn this SQL query into Doctrine Query

I'm using this native SQL query on symfony (Which is a really bad practice) but I'm struggling to get it running with DQL without triggering several errors.

SELECT Image.path, 
FROM Image
LEFT JOIN ImageVoters ON = ImageVoters.image_id
WHERE ImageVoters.voter_id =1
AND ImageVoters.action =  'favourite'
ORDER BY Image.created_at ASC

This is what I've got so far

    public function findMyFavourites()
       return $this->getEntityManager()
       ->createQuery('SELECT p.path, 
       FROM GabrielUploadBundle:Image p 
       LEFT JOIN GabrielUploadBundle:ImageVoters v 
       ON  = v.image_id 
       WHERE v.action ="favourite" 
       ORDER BY p.created_at ASC')

It throws this error for some reason

Error: Expected Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer::T_WITH, got 'ON'

This is the query that works

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$query = $em->getRepository('GabrielUploadBundle:Image')->createQueryBuilder('p')
    ->select(array('p.path', '','','p.upvotes','p.imageowner','p.createdAt','p.updatedAt'))
    ->leftJoin('GabrielUploadBundle:ImageVoters', 'v', 'WITH', ' = v.image_id')
    ->where("v.action = 'favourite'")
    ->andWhere("v.voter_id = 1")
    ->orderBy('p.createdAt', 'ASC')


  • If you change ON to WITH your query will be OK.
    You can also try

    $query = $em->getRepository('GabrielUploadBundle:Image')->createQueryBuilder('p')
       ->select(array('p.path', 'p.image'))
       ->leftJoin('GabrielUploadBundle:ImageVoters', 'v', 'WITH', ' = v.image_id')
       ->where("v.action = 'favourite'")
       ->orderBy('p.createdAt', 'ASC')
    $result = $query->getResult();