I have a TableViewer with data that can be edited via CheckboxCellEditor.
My code is very similar to the following example code at java2s.com: new ComboBoxCellEditor.
If you run that code, create a new person and the click in the "Age Range" cell of the entry you can see a text editor, however I would expect the combo box to be opened. The used CheckboxCellEditor is already defined to be SWT.READ_ONLY but that does not help. I also tried to replace it with an CheckboxViewerCellEditor or add SWT.DROP_DOWN but this all does not help.
How can I create a combo box cell editor that directly displays the list of values upon first mouse click?
Looks like you can call setActivationStyle
on the ComboBoxCellEditor
to set what happens on activation:
cellEditor.setActivationStyle(ComboBoxCellEditor.DROP_DOWN_ON_KEY_ACTIVATION | ComboBoxCellEditor.DROP_DOWN_ON_MOUSE_ACTIVATION);