When trying to run a test as a TestNG suite, I would get a very cryptic error message saying that TestNG can't launch because it references a non-existant project. I think my project does exist, I see it in the package explorer!
It turns out you just have to make sure your project is a Java Project, and not a Simple project. Check that the navigator shows a little blue 'J' associated with the folder. If not, then you have created a Simple project.
"It would appear that the project you created is not Java project.
Eclipse auto-builds the .java file to .class files for all .java files contained in a Java project.
To create a Java project File>New>Project>Java Project Give the project a name. Click Finish"
Found this answer hidden deep in this source.
In eclipse you should be using Navigator and not Package explorer, as navigator is browsing the actual filesystem, where package explorer is loading certain things only. In the future hopefully people can find the solution more easily.