I'm working on horizontal parallax. On my horizontal webpage, I have several div where I applied parallax effects on pictures. Actually, if I scroll with the horizontal scroll the parallax seems working. My problem, is when I click on the items menu the parallax seems not working. Do you know what I should modify ? Here is my fiddle : enter link description here
My javascript test :
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#banner a").bind("click",function(event){
var target = $(this).attr("href");
$("html, body").stop().animate({
scrollLeft: $(target).offset().left,
scrollTop: $(target).offset().top
}, 1200);
/* main background image. moves against the direction of scroll*/
'speed': -0.2
/* inner items, moves slightly faster than the background */
$('.panel .inner').scrollParallax({
'speed': -0.5
/* two additional samples inside item2, both moving with direction of scroll*/
$('.panel .inner-lev1').scrollParallax({
'speed': 0.2
$('.panel .inner-lev2').scrollParallax({
'speed': 0.5
$("#banner a").bind("click",function(event){
var target = $(this).attr("href");
$('.panel .inner-lev1').scrollParallax({
'speed': 0.2
You need to set a z-index on the navigation.
Something like this:
#banner {z-index: 10}
should do the trick.
Good luck!