I ran into a problem while cleaning up some old code. This is the function:
uint32_t ADT::get_connectivity_data( std::vector< std::vector<uint8_t> > &output )
for(chunk_vec_t::iterator it = chunks.begin(); it < chunks.end(); ++it)
uint32_t success = (*it)->get_connectivity_data(output[it-chunks.begin()]);
return TRUE;
What i am interested in doing is cleaning up the for loop to be a lambda expression but quickly got stuck on how exactly I would pass the correct argument to get_connectivity_data. get_connectivity_data takes a std::vector by reference and fills it with some data. output contains a std::vector for each "chunk".
Basically my conclusion for this was that it was substantially easier, cleaner and shorter to leave my code as-is.
So the closest answer to my question as I envisioned it would look was this:
std::for_each( chunks.begin(), chunks.end(),
bind( &chunk_vec_t::value::type::get_connectivity_data,
output[ std::distance( _1, chunks.begn() ]
Yet that code does not compile, I made some modifications to the code to get it to compile but I ran into 2 issues:
The answer regarding zip_ iterators looked good until i read more into it and discovered that for this particular use, the amount of extra code needed was substantial (binding this and that, etc).
I found an acceptable solution that is both low on extraneous syntax and clear, which I've posted here and below.
std::transform(chunks.begin(), chunks.end(), back_inserter(tmp), boost::bind(&ADTChunk::get_connectivity_data, _1) );
After a bit of work I came up with this solution:
std::transform(chunks.begin(), chunks.end(), back_inserter(tmp), boost::bind(&ADTChunk::get_connectivity_data, _1) );
It required that I change get_connectivity_data to return std::vector instead of taking one by reference, and it also required that I change the elements of chunks to be boost::shared_ptr instead of Loki::SmartPtr.