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How to handle error thrown by module in perl

I am using the module DBD::Oracle in perl to insert xml contents into oracle 11 g instance. While inserting some of the documents in my sample set the script fails as the module returns Unsupported named object type for bind parameter. I would like to handle this error and make the loop iteration to go on.

following is my code,

use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_session_modes);
use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_types);

die("USAGE: $0 <input_directory>") unless ($#ARGV == 0);
my $directory=$ARGV[0];

my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Oraclle:dbname',"username", "pass");
my $SQL;

opendir(IMD, $directory) || die ("Cannot open directory");
my @listOfFiles= readdir(IMD);

my $xmltype_string;
my $xml;
my $i = 1; 
foreach my $file(@listOfFiles)
    unless($file eq '.' or $file eq '..')
        print "inserting File no. $i \t $file .... \n";

                local $/=undef;
                open (FILE , "<" , "$directory/$file" );
                close (FILE);
        $SQL="insert into sampleTable values ( :ind, :xml)";
        my $sth =$dbh-> prepare($SQL);
        $sth->bind_param(":xml" , $xml , { ora_type => ORA_XMLTYPE});
        $sth->bind_param(":ind" , $i);
        $sth-> execute();


Am getting the error in bind param.


  • Error handling is usually done via the Try::Tiny module:

    use Try::Tiny;
    try {
    catch {
    finally {
    }; # ← trailing semicolon not optional.

    Both catch and finally are optional.