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Klatura API: How do I retrieve a list of all media entries, not just those that have content?

I'm using the Kaltura v3 API, uploading a video to the server. I'd like to be able to query the API and ask if I have a MediaEntry added, but with no media (or upload token) associated with it. It seems like media:list would be the correct action, but it doesn't return any results that don't have media already associated.

Is there a parameter I can send to media:list to get these entries? Or another API call I should be using?


  • If you're looking to list all media entries that don't have video associated, use the following. Example is in PHP, but will be the same in every language if you use a client library -

    $filter = new KalturaMediaEntryFilter();
    $filter->statusEqual = KalturaEntryStatus::NO_CONTENT;
    $result = $client->media->listAction($filter);