Search code examples

Quicksand how to make it dynamic with ajax load more items and then filter?

I have taken script from this link:

Now what I want is I want to make it dynamic. In my site ,when pages loads, it shows some items, and there is a button below to load more items via ajax, when more items are loaded, the filtration does not work properly.

For example, pages loads with 4 item,now I click Load more, and when I again click 'all' it just shows me 4 items, but I want all the items to be displayed which have been loaded via ajax.

waiting your answers

my code here


<ul class="filter nav nav-pills">
    <li data-value="all">All</li>
    <li data-value="1">OPENING CEREMONIES</li>
    <li data-value="2">PRODUCT LAUNCHES</li>
    <li data-value="3"> MALL SHOWS </li>

    <li data-value="4">FAMILY FESTIVALS</li>
    <li data-value="5">CULTURAL FESTIVALS</li>
    <li data-value="6">WORLD CLASS SHOWS</li>
    <li data-value="7">SPORTS EVENTS</li>
    <li data-value="8">GALA DINNERS</li>


  <ul class="thumbnails" id="loading_more">
   $_SESSION["page_load"]   =   1;

    <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span12 portfolio-load-more-wrapper">
            <h1><span class="caption_heading">WANT TO</span> SEE MORE?</h1>
            <h2><span class="icon-down-open-2 gray" onClick="javascript:showMore();"></span></h2>

When click , showMore() function:

function showMore()

        var data    =       'load_more='+'load_more';



function portfolioItems($page_load)
        if( $page_load      ==          1 )
            global $con;
            $item_list          =           "";

            //Query to get the items
            $sql_item_details   =           mysqli_query($con , "SELECT * FROM portfolio_items LIMIT 4");
            $count              =           mysqli_num_rows($sql_item_details);

            //If records found
            if( $count          >           0 )
                    while($row      =           mysqli_fetch_array($sql_item_details))

                        $id             =           $row["id"];
                        $title          =           $row["title"];
                        $category       =           $row["category_id"];
                        $date           =           $row["date"];
                        $detail         =           $row["detail"];
                        $thumbnail      =           $row["thumbnail"];

                        $item_list  .=          '<li data-type="'.$category.'" data-id="id-1" class="span3 fancybox fancybox.iframe portfolio-iframe" 
                                                    <img src="images/portfolios/portfolio_thumbs/'.$thumbnail.'"  width="295" height="295" border="0">

                                                    <div class="img_hover_box">
                                                        <div class="portfolio_title">
                                                            <div class="portfolio-cpation">
                                                                    <div class="arrow_icon">
                                                                        <i class="icon-right-circled-1"></i>

                                                   <div class="clock_year">
                                                    <span class="icon-clock-alt"></span><span class="year">'.$date.'</span>

                    echo                    $item_list;

            //Get the pagination value.
            $page_no            =           $page_load;
            $one_page           =           $page_no * 4;
            $start_from         =           $one_page - 4;
            $limit              =           4;

            global $con;
            $item_list          =           "";

            //Query to get the items
            $sql_item_details   =           mysqli_query($con , "SELECT * FROM portfolio_items LIMIT 0,".$one_page);
            $count              =           mysqli_num_rows($sql_item_details);

            //If records found
            if( $count          >           0 )
                    while($row      =           mysqli_fetch_array($sql_item_details))

                        $id             =           $row["id"];
                        $title          =           $row["title"];
                        $category       =           $row["category_id"];
                        $date           =           $row["date"];
                        $detail         =           $row["detail"];
                        $thumbnail      =           $row["thumbnail"];

                        $item_list  .=          '<li data-type="'.$category.'" data-id="id-1" class="span3 fancybox fancybox.iframe portfolio-iframe" 
                                                    <img src="images/portfolios/portfolio_thumbs/'.$thumbnail.'"  width="295" height="295" border="0">

                                                    <div class="img_hover_box">
                                                        <div class="portfolio_title">
                                                            <div class="portfolio-cpation">
                                                                    <div class="arrow_icon">
                                                                        <i class="icon-right-circled-1"></i>

                                                   <div class="clock_year">
                                                    <span class="icon-clock-alt"></span><span class="year">'.$date.'</span>

                    echo                    $item_list;




  • Ok i think i get it. If you look at the js code , after function gallery(){} youre gonna see the codes for filtering operations like this:

    var $itemsHolder = $('ul.thumbnails');
    var $itemsClone = $itemsHolder.clone(); 
    var $filterClass = "";
    $('ul.filter li').click(function(e) {
    $filterClass = $(this).attr('data-value');
        if($filterClass == 'all'){ var $filters = $itemsClone.find('li'); }
        else { var $filters = $itemsClone.find('li[data-type='+ $filterClass +']'); }
          { duration: 1000 },

    Now this is setting filters when the page was first load so since new added items arent gonna be in $itemsHolder list, further filtering is not gonna involve new added items. What you need to do is wrap this code in a function like:

    function gallery_filter() {
      var $itemsHolder = $('ul.thumbnails');

    And then call this function after ajax succes:

      gallery_filter(); // here