It seems to be easy for you, but I am stuck here. Here is a function in C++ for loading matrix from ASCII file.
void load_matrix(std::istream* is,
std::vector< std::vector<double> >* matrix,
const std::string& delim = " \t")
using namespace std;
string line;
string strnum;
// clear first
// parse line by line
while (getline(*is, line))
for (string::const_iterator i = line.begin(); i != line.end(); ++ i)
// If we i is not a delim, then append it to strnum
if (delim.find(*i) == string::npos)
strnum += *i;
// if strnum is still empty, it means the previous char is also a
// delim (several delims appear together). Ignore this char.
if (strnum.empty())
// If we reach here, we got a number. Convert it to double.
double number;
istringstream(strnum) >> number;
In the code I have, we get file name from user as below there is default.dat file availble:
const char* filename1 = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : "default.dat";
I am wondering how I can use this filename1 as argunemt fot loadmatrix function.
Construct a std::ifstream
object with the file name, and then pass a pointer to that object to your loadmatrix
function: std::ifstream
inherits std::istream
, so this typechecks:
std::vector< std::vector<double> > matrix;
std::ifstream f( filename1 );
if ( !f ) {
// XXX Error handling
loadmatrix( &f, &matrix );